Weather forecast for todayOn Saturday, February 8, predominantly clouded weather is expected.
Elevated precipitation of 1.14" is anticipated for today. Temperature measurements will peak at an icy 35.6°F, with a slight decrease to a low of a subzero 28.4°F.
The day's peak temperature will adhere to the standard high for February of 37.9°F.
Sunrise was at 6:46 am and sunset will be at 5:10 pm; the daylight will last for 10h and 24min.
Weather forecast for tomorrowTomorrow, in Fall River, wintry weather with snowfall is also anticipated in the morning.
Minimal precipitation is expected. The chance of precipitation is high. However, the snowfall will be light.
Temperature is forecasted to swing from a high of an icy 35.6°F to a low of a freezing 21.2°F.
Tomorrow, the highest temperature will be in line with February's average maximum temperature.
Sunrise will be at 6:45 am and sunset at 5:12 pm; tomorrow's daylight will last for 10h and 26min.
Long term weather forecastFor the next ten days, a combination of cloudy, snowy and sunny weather is expected.
Rainfall is forecasted for Tuesday and Wednesday.
Snowfall is predicted for Sunday, Thursday, next Saturday and Sunday. With severe precipitation of 1.14", most snowfall is expected on Saturday.
In the coming days, the highest temperature will range between 26.6°F and 35.6°F, while the lowest nightly temperature differences will be considerable, as the minimum temperature will be between 10.4°F and 30.2°F.
Saturday through Monday, Thursday and next Sunday, with the highest temperature of 35.6°F, will be the warmest days in Fall River, Massachusetts; the coldest day will be next Monday, with a maximum of 26.6°F.